Monthly Archives: August 2012

Sambazon Smoothie


I was at Whole Foods today rambling around in search of a decent snack yesterday, and I happened upon a lovely discovery – Sambazon acai berry CHOCOLATE protein smoothie. It’s got chocolate, soy AND hemp protein, chocolate, acai berry, and oh, did I mention chocolate?

Yeah… I, uh, apparently really wanted chocolate.

But seriously, the smoothie is a fantastic balance of macronutrients and tastes amazing. Oh, and of course, it’s VEGAN. They even specifically point out in the ingredient list that it’s vegan protein they’re using. Way to go Sambazon!

Book Bug


Late August, time of the last days of summer. Some of you might be looking for a good read to make those diminishing summer days last, others might be looking for some school-time reading. Or, if you’re like me, you just a book bug (more creative than bookworm, yes?) and have a perpetual to-read list.

Well, whatever your reading tastes, I’ve got some must-reads for all my fellow olie granolies out there 🙂

1. Eating Animals by Jonathan Foer


2. No Impact Man by Colin Beavan


3. In the Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall


4. The Good, Good Pig by Sy Montgomery


5. The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne

Happy reading!

Walkin’ the Art Walk


Happy Monday my lovely readers! So, a little over a week ago, some friends and I attended one of down town LA’s art walks – monthly exhibitions of professional and emerging talent in the LA area. There are a lot of really cool art pieces to see!



Patrick Haemmerlein of the Hive Gallery is my personal favorite. Check out his work! It’s beautiful, and the eco-commentary is brilliantly well done.

However, the art wasn’t the only cool thing we discovered along the art walk.We even passed by a Discovery Channel trailer giving out shark week hair cuts!


However, none of us had eaten dinner and by 10 o’ clock, we were pretty hungry! And what would you know, as we were meandering down a sidewalk in search of food, we happened upon a raw vegan restaurant smack in the middle of down town! Meet Raw Bites Happy Food, home of deliciousness.

yes, the menu is indeed propped up on an air hockey table 🙂

Chef Julie invited us in with a casual “you hungry?” Yes. Yes we were.

About ten minutes later, we found ourselves chowing down on a raw faux tuna roll and zucchini heart “potato” salad after having sampled some of Julie’s raw chocolate. Chef Julie is all about wholesome food for a wholesome life. I loved the restaurant’s gratitude wall!

I’m certainly thankful for Raw Bites Happy Food!

God’s Teeth!


Don’t y’all love that Shakespearean phrase? 🙂

It’s certainly what popped into my head when Stephanie and I were passing out hot dog ice cubes to some of the Waystation animals yesterday. They were intended for the coyotes, but we wound up with one extra, so Tippi the baboon was the lucky winner of the surplus treat.

She may not have God’s teeth, but boy does she have a bite! When the coyotes received their popsicles, they spent a while licking and gnawing and licking and gnawing at them in an attempt to liberate the hot dog pieces frozen inside. Tippi just picked up the popsicle and chomped. She crunched all the way through the frozen mass and liberated the hot dog, just like that! If she were asked to find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop, I believe her answer would be none at all – just one powerful munch.

Girl’s got some jaws.

Life is a Litter Box


So, when I was doing the routine litter box cleaning a few days ago, I had a random thought that I decided to share with y’all.

Life is a litter box. Seriously. The less you deal with the crap in it, the more it builds up, the stinkier it gets, and the less you want to have to face it to clean it up.

I’d recommend keeping up on your litter box’s maintenance.



Eat Food to Help Wildlife Waystation!


Hello my lovely blog followers! Phew, long silence. I’ve been super busy volunteering at the Waystation, interning with Caltech’s vet staff, and house sitting for a friend who also runs the wonderful Teranga Ranch Rescue – more on them coming later!

So, y’all have heard me talk about Wildlife Waystation before – the super amazing wildlife refuge that’s pretty much kept me going the past two-ish years. Well, for those of you in Southern California, come on out to Chevy’s in Burbank to help out the Waystation!

Click on the pic to find out more about WW!

If you stop by for lunch, we might even run into each other! Come say hi!