Tag Archives: cancel

The Dogs

Xen, the handsomest dog I know!

Xen, the handsomest dog I know!

This past Wednesday, my life went to the dogs.

In a wonderful, fantastic, completely good kind of way. You see, I went back to St. Louis to visit my parents last weekend, and my flights back on Tuesday were delayed and cancelled and all sorts of nonsense. Long story short, I got stranded in Los Angeles. I wasn’t entirely unhappy about that.

I ended up staying the night and spending the next day with my lovely and inspiring friend, Dana, another fellow Waystation volunteer. I spent a good chunk of Wednesday morning walking her two ridiculously awesome dogs, Xen and Annie. It ended up being shockingly eye-opening.

Annie. Such a cutie pie!

Annie. Such a cutie pie!

The last time I walked the dogs, I wasn’t in that great of a place. I’ve spent the past few months in treatment for an eating disorder and depression, and holy cow has it made a difference. The last time I walked Xen and Annie, I was weak and faint and broke a sweat after only walking a few yards. The dogs I’m sure could tell what kind of state I was in and slowed down to keep pace with me. But Wednesday, when I walked them, there was no mercy when it came to speed – which was fine with me. Moving along together at a strong and steady fast-paced stride, the dogs and I completed our normal route in half the time it had taken us before. Fueled by a happiness high, we went even farther and even longer than usual. It was amazing, seeing how much Xen and Annie were in tune with my own health, and how clearly and eagerly they celebrated its return with me. I am constantly stunned by how aware animals are of information about humans that we ourselves are often so out of touch with.

Apparently, sometimes, it’s okay to let yourself go to the dogs 😉